data Exp = Val Int
| Mas Exp Exp | Menos Exp Exp | Por Exp Exp | Div Exp Exp
{- antes de Div eval :: Exp → Int eval (Val i) = i eval (Mas a b) = eval a + eval b eval (Menos a b) = eval a - eval b eval (Por a b) = eval a * eval b eval (Div a b) = eval a `div` eval b -}
eval :: Exp → Maybe Int eval (Val i) = Just i eval (Mas a b) = case eval a of
Just x -> case eval b of Just y -> Just (x+y) Nothing -> Nothing Nothing -> Nothing
eval (Menos a b) = case eval a of
Just x -> case eval b of Just y -> Just (x-y) Nothing -> Nothing Nothing -> Nothing
eval (Por a b) = case eval a of
Just x -> case eval b of Just y -> Just (x*y) Nothing -> Nothing Nothing -> Nothing
eval (Div a b) = case eval a of
Just x -> case eval b of Just y -> if y == 0 then Nothing else Just (x `div` y) Nothing -> Nothing Nothing -> Nothing
categorias/sin_monadas.txt · Última modificación: 2018/08/10 03:03 por